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Welcome to your Pathway to Purpose course:
Christianity in the Workplace
This 12 lesson course relates faith to practical and ethical issues on the job.
Its focus is how to be like Christ in the work world.
Lesson 1 - Life's Priorities
Lesson 2 - Decision Making on the Job
Lesson 3 - Achieving Excellence on the Job
Lesson 4 - The Importance of Planning
Lesson 5 - Supervisor-Employee Relationships
Lesson 6 - The Servant's Love​
Lesson 7 - The Servant Learns to Trust
Lesson 8 - The Servant is Accountable
Lesson 9 - The Servant Responds to Criticism
Lesson 10 - The Servant Faces Temptation
Lesson 11 - The Servant Influences Others
Lesson 12 - The Servant Disciples Others
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